Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our Pledge of Allegiance

We have been taught in our schools to say the pledge of allegiance.  It became especially prevalent after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon. 

I never questioned saying it until recently.

I think what we are seeing with the pledge is a conflict of allegiances.

Are we Americans or are we Christians (i mean Christian in the purest sense of the word)?

So in saying that I believe we have to start saying we are pledging allegiance to something different.

we are pledging allegiance to a king and kingdom, rather than a country and a flag.

i wrote this in response to these thoughts:

I pledge allegiance to cross
of the crucified Messiah.
And to the Kingdom
for which is stands 
one Church, the bride of Christ,
that is forever united by his blood,
with HESED [God's unfailing love], grace and forgiveness 
for All. 

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